OK, I’ll amend the spam numbers. I’ve just recieved nearly 200 insurance spams in the last half-hour. If the site goes down for a while, it’s because the server couldn’t take the load. He appears to have it set on auto-fire. I could suspect it’s malicious, but I’d prefer to think it was just stupidity.
Must be a definition of the term with which I’m unfamiliar… Nutshell: Blogger hires a designer. Designer creates new design. Blogger installs design, lauds designer. Designer Two does a “remix” and sends to blogger. Blogger likes some facets, announces he will “steal” them. Designer One announces on her blog she is resigning over this. She […]
A couple of people have asked me why I’ve got the comments moderated, because moderation slows down the discussion, and discourages active commentary. Main reason is laziness. I’ve been too lazy to upgrade to better spam protection on this blog, so I simply locked the door to keep the spammers out (averaging 50/day at the […]
This bit from Bob Sutton opened my eyes this morning: “Fight as if you are right; listen as if you are wrong.” Wow. And if that isn’t good enough to wake you up this morning, try: “Find people who disagree with you. If you get mad at them, it’s good sign you need to think.” […]