Nan Lee writes about Barack Obama:
With those vote-leaking drawbacks, Obama looks like he’s worth it and could possibly bring it home.
Nope. Not gonna happen. You see, Barack Obama has one very obvious drawback: he’s a Senator.
In races for the White House, Governors rule. In the last century, the only times a Governor has been weak is when he’s campaigning against a sitting prez or veep. No Senator has ever beaten a Governor. A Senator did once manage to beat a sitting veep, but fer cryin’ out loud, it was JFK over Nixon, and even then it was so close some still think Daley rigged the election (more than was customary for Chicago politics, that is).
I’ve said this before: if the dems are serious about the White House, look to the Governors, not the Senators. Senators talk; Governors administrate. The people trust Governors more than Senators. And Barack, if you’re serious about the presidency, look to the State House, not the White House, for your next stop.